News and Updates
: The Town is releasing an RFP for Waterfront Improvements Phase 2 at Bowdoinham's Waterfront Park on River Road. PROPOSALS ARE TO BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN: Due Date: August 22, 2024, Local Time: 9:00 am.The project involves site improvements including common borrow, site grading, gravel base, hot mix asphalt paving, storm drains, slipform concrete curbing, landscaping, utility installation, and miscellaneous sitework items at the Town’s Waterfront Park on River Road.Information about this project and how to apply can be found in the attached.
: The restrooms at the Mailly Waterfront Park will be closed this week due to maintenance. We hope to have them reopened for the weekend.
: Maine-ly Paving is expecting to start paving in Bowdoinham on August 5th. The following roads are scheduled for paving:

: Saturday July 13th 10 am - 3 pmTickets on Sale at the Bowdoinham Public Library
: In observance of Independence Day, trash collection will be on Saturday July 6th.
: Click the link below to see information pertinent to upcoming price increases.
: The Town Office will open early the following days: Thursday June 27th at 7 am, Monday July 1st and Tuesday July 2nd at 7:30 am, Wednesday July 3rd at 9 am.
: See below for hiring events, job openings, training opportunities, and other information.
: See below for the latest rules for usage of the town docks and launching ramp.