News and Updates
: Notice of high or moderate detected populations of Brown tail moths in the state. Please see the attached for more information
: The Town Office and Solid Waste & Recycling will be closing at NOON today, Thursday, February 6th due to the incoming winter storm.
: 2025 Open Farm & Studio Day Planning Meeting
: The Select Board's meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 11th has been rescheduled to Monday, February 10th. The meeting will still be available to join in-person (in the Kendall Meeting Room) or via Zoom and to watch via Town Hall Streams. Please go to the February 10th Select Board Meeting event on the calendar page for all meeting information.
: Recycling will be opening 2 hours later (10 am) on Saturday February 1st .
: The 2025 application period for the Richard A. Ferrier Scholarship in NOW OPEN!! Residents of Bowdoinham between the ages of 13 and 18 as of June 1 this year are encouraged to apply. There is a preference for applicants for whom a scholarship will make a demonstrated difference in his/her ability to participate in a program.
: The Office will be without power till apx. 11:30 am. due to CMP replacing a transformer.
: CMP has completed replacing the transformer and restored power to the office.
: The Select Board will hold a Public Hearing on January 16, 2025 at 6:00pm to discuss whether to declare a portion of Dingley Road abandoned pursuant to the provisions of 23 M.R.S. § 3028-A. A map depicting the portion of Dingley Road at issue is attached below. The Public Hearing will be held in the Kendall Meeting Room at the John C. Coombs Municipal Building at 13 School Street in Bowdoinham.