
News and Updates

01/08/2024 : Check out the flyers provided by Maine Career Center for available training opportunities. 
12/29/2023 : As many residents have heard, in July of 2023 the State of Maine repealed the Property Tax Stabilization program.
12/27/2023 : As an activity in conjunction with Age-Friendly Bowdoinham, the Bowdoinham Fire and Rescue Department will be distributing 5- gallon buckets of winter sand this winter. This program is designed for those residents that cannot pick up their own winter sand from the courtesy sand pile located at the Waterfront Park.
12/20/2023 : The Fire Station (57 Post Road) will
Road Work Ahead
11/27/2023 : Many of you may have noticed our Public Work crews diligently working along Bowdoinham’s many roadsides cutting trees and removing vegetation. 
11/27/2023 : Just a friendly reminder to register your family friend before the end of the year.   You will need to bring a current rabies certificate. A late fee of $25 will be added to the registration fee after January 31, 2024.
10/27/2023 :  When violence of this scale hits so close to home, it is understandable to be deeply upset. If you or anyone you know is in crisis, please call 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline or the Maine Crisis Line at 1-888-568-1112. 
10/25/2023 : The 2024 dog licenses are now available at the Town Office. Fees are $6.00 for a neutered/spayed dog and $11.00 for a “fully equipped” dog. Please license your dog(s) annually on or before January 1st. A $25 late fee will be charged after the January 31st.
10/25/2023 : The Town of Bowdoinham is seeking bids for a contractor to address concerns with the Town Hall.  The Town is flexible in the actual approach used to address this issue and would look for input, in addition to the approaches outlined below.