Merrymeeting Trail Board of Supervisors

The Board of Supervisors is the joint board as required under 30-A M.R.S.A. ยง2203(3)(A) responsible for administering the Interlocal Agreement signed by town officials of Gardiner, Richmond, Bowdoinham, and Topsham.

The purpose of the Board of Supervisors is to facilitate the planning, construction, and maintenance of the Merrymeeting Trail, a regional multi-use trail, which will accommodate pedestrians, bicyclists, and other users, connecting the Androscoggin River Pedestrian Bike Path in Topsham, the Village Center in Bowdoinham, the Village Center in Richmond, and the Kennebec River Rail Trail in Gardiner.

The Board members are:


  • Victor Langelo
  • Matt Nixon


  • Nicole Briand
  • Jeremy Cluchey (Chair)


  • Randy Bodge
  • Darryl Sterling


  • Tom Reeves