
News and Updates

02/18/2025 : Starting in March the Comprehensive Planning Committee Meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of the month at 6pm in the Kendall Room.
02/11/2025 : KELT was recently awarded three grants that will enable a more resilient trail system on the point and improve habitat conditions. This improvement work will be conducted in three phases, across several years. Construction will likely begin in 2026.For more information on this project visit: https://www.kennebecestuary.org/center-point-all-persons-trail-project
02/10/2025 : Notice of high or moderate detected populations of Brown tail moths in the state. Please see the attached for more information
02/06/2025 : The Town Office and Solid Waste & Recycling will be closing at NOON today, Thursday, February 6th due to the incoming winter storm.
02/05/2025 : 2025 Open Farm & Studio Day Planning Meeting 
02/05/2025 : The Select Board's meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 11th has been rescheduled to Monday, February 10th.  The meeting will still be available to join in-person (in the Kendall Meeting Room) or via Zoom and to watch via Town Hall Streams.  Please go to the February 10th Select Board Meeting event on the calendar page for all meeting information.  
01/30/2025 : Recycling will be opening 2 hours later (10 am)  on Saturday February 1st .