The Town of Bowdoinham is seeking bids for a contractor to address concerns with the Town Hall. The Town is flexible in the actual approach used to address this issue and would look for input, in addition to the approaches outlined below.
Sealed Proposals plainly marked “Town Hall Proposal" on the outside of the mailing envelope, addressed to Nicole Briand, Town Manager, 13 School Street, Bowdoinham, Maine 04008 will be accepted until 11am (est) on Thursday, December 14, 2023. Addenda to this proposal, if any, including written clarifications to this RFP, will be posted on the Town of Bowdoinham website under the project heading.
All inquiries concerning the request for proposals should be addressed to Nicole Briand, Town Manager for the Town of Bowdoinham at [email protected] or (207) 666-5531.