Steven Thomas Bunn, Furnituremaker

During the eighteenth century, New England chairmakers developed such uniquely characteristic designs that modern scholars can identify a particular chair's maker by looking at the distinctive turnings of the piece. Like those early craftsmen, I draw on a number of elements characteristic of New England Windsor chairs-- bold, sharply defined turnings, wide splayed legs, spindles with wide nodes and deeply sculpted seats to create my own interpretation of Windsor style. The result is a spectacularly beautiful chair- - a modern heirloom- - strong enough for everyday use. I craft Windsor chairs, rockers & settees in a number of styles using traditional tools and materials.

I make Windsor chairs because I love their unique fusion of beauty and utility. My handcrafted Windsor chairs, with their deeply saddled seats and flexible backs, are the most comfortable chairs you will ever sit in. No factory-made Windsor chair can equal my chairs for comfort. Steven Bunn

My Windsor chairs are a perfect blend of beauty, comfort and strength. Let me make a chair for you...

Street Address

22 Center Street


Woodworking, Cabinetry, and Furniture Repair and Restoration


Steven Thomas Bunn