Village Center Planning Study


  • NEW: Online Survey Results Released. 114 respondents weighed in on concerns, desires and potential improvements increase economic development, pedestrian safety, and accessibility in the downtown area.
  • Initial Concept Drawings Released. The first public meeting was held on Tues. 10/15 @ 6:30 PM, Kendall Room at the Town Office. Participants joined in person and online to review an initial set of concept drawings and give feedback on their concerns, desires and potential improvements increase economic development, pedestrian safety, and accessibility in the downtown area. View the designs here. A recording of the meeting can be found here.


In response to reports of speeding traffic along Route 24 and concerns of pedestrian safety when crossing this road at the Main Street intersection, the Town applied to Maine DOT to install a temporary crosswalk and gateway demonstration project at the intersection in July 2023 to gather feedback before considering a permanent solution. See Temporary Crosswalk and Gateway Demonstration project application illustrating the location and elements of the project.

Following the project over 100 residents completed the feedback survey. Elements that narrowed the roadway were not well received, most noted were the delineators. However, the painted crosswalk was appreciated and does not pose a hinderance to drivers, bicyclists, or pedestrians. Moreover, there were several respondents suggesting additional elements to the crossing such as a raised table, flashing lights, and more signage. Please see survey results summary.

Others mention the need for a no parking sign along Rt. 24 or other signage warning those to slow down on Rt. 24 before entering downtown. Further, the survey did not specifically call attention to the sidewalk element of the project although a handful of comments were made about sidewalks that should be noted. Those ranged from concerns about the loss of parking on lower Main Street to sidewalks, the need for no-parking signage, and concerns about cars parking on Rt. 24 between Three Robbers and the curve headed south. Lastly, there have been suggestions of turning the lower portion of Main Street east of the intersection with Rt. 24 into a one-way. While these areas and elements were outside of the project scope, they warrant more investigation as part of a larger vision which should also incorporate the goals of the 2010 Walkable Village Plan to provide safe access to our village district. Further, our 2010 Walkable Village Plan supports a sidewalk or a delineated walkway along lower Main Street and around the entire project area.

Additionally, what the survey results have told us is that there is a need for further public input regarding changes to this area. With the development of the new waterfront park and the potential rail trail we are expecting a significant increase in recreational use on both sides of Rt. 24. Currently, there is no sidewalk or crosswalk leading directly to the new park. Further, there are no direct pedestrian connections between the two parks. This is a need as they both serve as overflow parking for each other. Taking a wholistic approach to this entire village block will create a more cohesive vision for and appeal to our community.

Village Partnership Initiative

To advance the planning process for addressing the additional concerns for the area and need for a wholistic vision of the village center the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) applied for and received a Maine DOT Village Partnership Initiative scoping grant MaineDOT works in partnership with local officials to reinvest and revitalize one of the distinguishing features of New England: our iconic village centers. Depending upon the vision of each individual municipality, they can look to make once-in-a-lifetime investments in the lower-speed areas where people meet, shop, and do business. These village areas need to be built on a human scale: walkable, bicycle-friendly, and business-friendly. In sum, this can be bigger than just transportation; it is potentially place-making.

Upon the grant award the Town issued a Request of Proposals for professional services for this planning study. CDAC in partnership with the Advisory Committee on Age-Friendly Bowdoinham (AF) selected Gorrill Palmer’s proposal. Please note the grant match came from the CMP TIF, which will not entail an outlay of town money. 

Study focus area

Summary of the scope of work and activities completed:

On July 2, 2024, a kickoff meeting with Gorrill Palmer, CFAC and AF was held for the VPI planning grant to create publicly vetted designs for pedestrian safety improvements around the intersection of Rt. 24 and lower Main Street, between the two waterfront parks, and other possible project elements along lower Main Street.

At the meeting the group reiterated important goals for the project that include:

  • Safety improvements for all users including bicycling and pedestrian safety.
  • Mobility improvements and accessibility for all users.
  • Including opportunities to rest, pocket parks and incorporate street amenities and public art.
  • Traffic calming measures.
  • Enhance on-street parking.
  • Infrastructure improvements to encourage economic development. Make it an inviting place.
  • Expand pedestrian connectivity.

On July 17, 2024 a site walk was held for the project area. The goal of this site visit and the upcoming public meeting is to come up with locally vetted improvements that can be designed and funded through various local, state and federal grants.

uly site walkThe group focused on concerns within the project scope as illustrated with the red boundaries. Detailed discussions were held around the activities near the boat launch and gazebo regarding farmers’ market vendor access conflicting with boat launch traffic. Regarding a one-way on lower Main heading south only, there are some large boats that need special equipment to launch them, and they may not be able to exit any other way than up Main Street. There is also a lot of concerns for pedestrian safety on the weekends as people come down Main Street to the market without any designated area to walk while traffic and boats share this same roadway. There is concern over potential loss of parking along lower Main. Other considerations included more bike storage for the Merrymeeting Trail. 

There is concern that there might not be a lot of continuity between the two parks and there could be loss of business to the Farmers’ Market in its transition to the new park. Traffic calming along Rt. 24 before the bridge and after the bridge was requested and center islands, sidewalks on both sides of the roads, and incorporations of bike lanes for a road diet were suggested solutions. Other concepts that came up included a 4 way stop at Three Robbers, more parking and sidewalks along upper Main, sidewalks up Back Hill, improving a path at the Cannon Pocket Park, and an island near the Back Hill intersection. 

Additional community feedback was sought at a public meeting held on Tuesday, 10/15 at 6:30 PM in the Kendall Room as well as through an online survey available from September 14 through October 22, and through input at the Age Friendly booth at Celebrate. 

On October 15, 2024 Public Meeting #1 was held at 6:30 PM in the Kendall Room at the Town Office to gain input on concerns, desires and potential improvements to increase economic development, pedestrian safety, and accessibility in the downtown area. It was during this meeting that the consultant team unveiled a first set of concept designs for the community to react to. The designs incorporated feedback from the July site visit. Here is a summary of the site visit concerns, proposed solutions and further discussion.

  • Need to address the continuity between the two parks - Realignment of Maily Park entrance with new park entrance with a raised four-way crosswalk table in Rt. 24. Concern over plowing the raised table. They have been implemented in the state and would work with EMS and Public Works on design.
  • Traffic calming along Rt. 24 before the bridge and after the bridge - Install raised median with crosswalk before the bridge which may include blinking lights and a four-way stop at the Back Hill/Spring Street intersection. Suggest speed limit reduction to 25 MPH near Wallentine. Having this a four-way stop may be overkill with raised table slowing folks down and the four-way stop at Three Robbers. The speed limit reduction to 25 MPH is in alignment with recent suggestion by the Selectboard to the DOT.
  • Sidewalks on both sides of Route 24 - Sidewalk on south side of Rt. 24 between the Bridge and Wallentine due to grading considerations and sidewalks on both sides of Rt. 24 from Bridge to the Country Store. The south side would be a 10' wide esplanade and north side would be a 5' wide sidewalk both with 5' grass strip between sidewalks and the road.
  • Incorporations of bike lanes - Current suggestion is to continue sharing the lane on Rt 24 with road width of 11' with a three-foot shoulder. Alternatively, there could be 10' travel lanes and 5' bike lane. Any lane improvements would meet the required DOT road standard WB67, which is not currently being met.  
  • A four-way way stop at Three Robbers - Illustrated as such on maps. A suggestion was made for a raised table instead. Four-ways stops are the most cost-effective pattern change.
  • Sidewalk up Back Hill - Illustrated a such on maps.
  • Traffic calming along Route 24 near its intersection with Ridge Rd. - Install raised median with crosswalk after the Country Store but before the Ridge Rd. A sidewalk on the opposite side of the Country Store is not warranted as there is nothing to walk to on that side. Could the position of the median assist with the blind turn coming from Ridge onto Rt 24. Would its placement more in front of the Country Store or further down Rt. 24 beyond Ridge be possible or helpful? Must be cognizant of driveways to ensure they are not impacted. 
  • Pedestrian safety down lower Main St and around the boat launch - Two concepts were developed for lower Main Street:  
    • Concept 1 - Narrows the road to allow for two cars to pass but eliminates parallel parking and includes sidewalks on both sides. No thru traffic, local traffic only, removable bollards installed at railroad tracks to stop through traffic. Snow removal concern and conflict of sidewalks with entrance to Watersong.
    • Concept 2 - One-way towards boat launch, with parallel parking along FHC building and sidewalk on both sides. Sidewalk conflict with FHC building entrance to Watersong. 
  • Upper Main Street traffic calming - Sidewalks on both sides up the hill with a raised median at the curve. Concerns about narrowing road for cyclists with a median. Cars are already illegally parking along the southside of Main Street impeding cyclists. Suggestion to use paint or textured asphalt instead of median. These measures tend to be less effective than a raised median.
  • Mailly Parking Lot - New one-way traffic pattern with diagonal trailer parking in the center as illustrated. Question how easy it is to back out of a space instead of being able to pull out. This design is similar ot the one at Mere Point in Brunswick. Is in conflict with our bathhouse. Would need right-of-way from DOT to have access to develop here. 

On October 22, 2024 The online survey closed. There were 114 respondents weighed in on concerns, desires and potential improvements increase economic development, pedestrian safety, and accessibility in the downtown area. Survey data can be found here. 

The consultant will use this new information and the results of the survey data to revise their concepts. A second iteration of these plans will be reviewed at a second public meeting in December. Stay tuned for an exact date to be shared via Facebook, our weekly e-newsletter and posters around town.  

The tentative schedule for this project continues as follows: 

  • NEW: Online Survey: Deadline 10/22/24 (Gain input on concerns, desires and potential improvements increase economic development, pedestrian safety, and accessibility in the downtown area)
  • Public Meeting 2: TBD in December 2024 (Meeting to reveal the final concept developed from the feedback gathered at the first meeting and through the survey).
  • Draft Report: December 2024
  • Final Report: January 2025

Next Steps
Upon completion of the scoping process the Town can reapply to Maine DOT’s VPI program to fund the drafting of design plans for the publicly vetted project elements. These plans can then be used to provide bid documents for the actual construction of the project.

These are complex projects and will take several years to develop. Once the project is scoped and an adequate amount of public outreach and design work is complete, MaineDOT and the community will develop a strategy for applying for special federal allocations such as earmarks or BIL grants for the actual construction. The application may be bundled with other communities across the state to make the package more competitive on the federal level. Once a grant or earmark is secured, MaineDOT and the municipality will enter into a construction agreement.