Public Mtg: Interpretative Signage @ Waterfront Parks 1/7/25

Interpretative Signage at the Waterfront Parks - Public Meeting 1/7 @ 6:30PM

The Community Development Advisory Committee was awarded a Community Outdoor Recreation Assistance Recovery Grant to fund the design and installation of new interpretive signage at the new waterfront park and to replace the existing interpretive sign at the Mailly boat launch. Help us tell the story of what is special about the place we call home. Join us for a community conversation on Tuesday, January 7th at 6:30 PM at the Town Office. 

CDAC meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 in Kendall and/or via Zoom. Local artists, farmers, business owners and advisors are especially encouraged to join!

FMI please contact Yvette at [email protected] or call 666-5531.