Town Hall Renovation Project
Save Town Hall
The Town Hall has been raised approximately 5 feet in preparation for the new foundation, the first phase of the restoration project. The firm Copp Building Movers began preparations on August 22nd, culminating in raising the building on August 29th, using two hydraulic lift trucks, in a remarkably short time (approximately two hours).
Holloway Concrete is doing the foundation work which consisting of pouring footings, the slab and walls. Tourtelotte Excavating is doing the groundwork. When the foundation is done Copp Building Movers will lower the Town Hall on to its new foundation. Then Williams Construction will begin work replacing the sills and floor.
The Town has hired Mark Favreau as Project Manager to help in coordination of various pieces and contractors to keep the project moving along. The next phase includes replacement of the roof and siding. Once the scope of these projects is determined they will be going out to bid.
Many thanks to the following for their efforts so far: Albert Stehle for the removal of the brick chimney; Mark Favreau for his on-site expertise, T&H Excavation for pre-lift and post-lift preparations of the site, the Public Works Department, and Doug Tourtelotte for caring about our beloved hall and his determination to preserve it.
Want to help? There will be volunteer opportunities such as cleaning and painting the inside. Unable to physically help you can donate either in person, by mail or on the new online donation link (above).
Keep an eye on the website for updated information and Committee meeting dates and times.
Thank you to Bowdoinham Public Library for obtaining a grant for the production of this video and to Rebecca Conley of Boco Video Production for producing the video.